Dinner's On Us

Many months we send meals gift cards to families with active placements. Today we sent meal gift cards to 39 families with foster placements because of your generosity! This thank you is for YOU too if you give to the work we do:

"I don't even know how to say "thank you" for the dinner gift card that you sent to us! It was SO GENEROUS and we feel so humbled to have received it. My mouth literally fell open when I read the email with the gift card "Thank you" doesn't seem enough! But, please know, that the work you are doing to encourage foster families is AMAZING and you have been the hands and feet of Jesus to us today! We have been on a long journey with our two foster loves and there have been many "valleys" along the way. BUT GOD...He is faithful to send encouragement like YOU along our path to remind us that HE'S GOT US right where He wants us. Thank you!" -Pickens Foster Mom

Abby Crooks