Saying YES to Teens!

A Pickens foster Mom shares —

“Don’t ever foster or adopt any child older than your oldest child,” many have said to me. My advice is to COMPLETELY disregard this advice. PRAISE JESUS that we said yes to this TEEN!! Can I tell you how AMAZING she is?! She’s so motivated, so helpful, unbelievably kind, and determined. Most of all, she’s growing in her relationship with Christ, and it’s so sweet to see her an my almost 13 year old doing devotions together, going on walks together, and becoming best friends. My oldest loves her like a sister in just the short amount of time we’ve had her in our home. Please consider fostering or adopting a TEEN!! There are thousands of teens in SC waiting for homes. I NEVER expected to foster a teen, but oh so thankful God brought her to our family. #fosterteens @fosteringfaithfully

Abby Crooks