The Church and foster care

Fostering Faithfully literally would not exist without the partnership of so many churches in our community. They host our resource centers and support group, they collect needed items to stock our centers, they come and sort often at the centers, they provide meals before training, they host training events and date nights so foster parents can get a break. It has been amazing how church family members of all denominations serve alongside at our events. We are so thankful!

In some of his final words to his disciples, Jesus assures them to not let their hearts be troubled, since he will not leave them as orphans (John 14). And the church has certainly mirrored that love to the children we serve. We still have a long way to go and it takes many invested volunteers to do our work. If your church is not connected to the foster children in our community we’d love for you to reach out to us and find your place to help us cherish them!

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Abby Crooks